About Me

As a person, I’m naturally curious, often deep in reflection, dwelling in the past, so it’s no wonder that I enjoy studying history and writing historical fiction. My maternal grandparents served during World War II, and their stories of bravery and sacrifice have fed my imagination since childhood and inspired me to delve deep into the archives. Once I began researching, I couldn't resist the urge to share what I had learned.

While my initial focus was on writing historical fiction set during WW2, my interests have expanded to other genres like contemporary romance. The thrill of writing captivating tales that take readers on an emotional journey now captures my heart, just like it did when I first began exploring historical war stories all those years ago. I believe the past holds valuable lessons for us that can help us navigate the present.

My debut novel, The Beauty Shop, is the one I hold most dear. It won a B.R.A.G. Medallion and is based on the real-life story of the RAF Guinea Pig Club. This will always be my most cherished book. When I first read about the lesser-known club, I knew I had to bring it to life. Speaking with two former WW2 pilots from the club was epic. They loved the novel, especially the aerial scenes. That meant more to me than any literary prize.

The real-life exploits of the SOE heroine Nancy Wake inspired my second novel, Madame Fiocca. Following on with tales of espionage, I am currently writing a WW2 series that differs from my other books. It’s been rather challenging, but as I sit here drinking copious mugs of tea, I am glad to say that I am making good progress.

The bestselling Christmas in the Highlands was the first contemporary romance novel I released and I am currently working on a new romantic fiction series.

I have lived in the north of England, the south-west, and spent a very brief spell in Scotland before finally settling in a picturesque corner of Cumbria with my family. Our forever home, a Victorian sandstone house, is cool in the summer, and warms up nicely in winter when the stoves are lit. Flanked by Hadrian’s Wall on one side and the Lake District fells on the other, it's easy to dwell in the past as I tread in the footsteps of Wordsworth, Coleridge, Beatrix Potter, and Arthur Ransome.

My writing room faces east and is at the front of the house where I have the perfect view of the Pennines, and of farms and cottages in the distance, with cattle and sheep grazing in the fields in-between. When writing, there are only two things I need. Peace and copious amounts of tea throughout the day. Well, as Winston Churchill said in 1942, “Tea is more important than ammunition.”

When I’m not working, I love to explore the lakes, fells, and forests in and around the county. When the weather is perilous, you'll find me curled up with an intriguing book or watching Netflix when I'm not running on the treadmill.

I'm a member of The Society of Authors and the Alliance of Independent Authors.

Hailing from the north of England

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From the author of the WW2 novels, THE BEAUTY SHOP & MADAME FIOCCA, comes a gripping, heart-wrenching story of a Spitfire pilot caught up in the storm of the Dunkirk evacuations in 1940.

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